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Athletic Hall of Fame

The formulation of the “Amherst Athletes Hall of Fame” was a joint venture of the Amherst Schools and The Amherst Foundation. In June of 1987, Bob Welch, assistant principal at the High School, set up a steering committee made up of Amherst Alumni and Amherst coaches for the purpose of formulating the Amherst Athletes Hall of Fame. The original steering committee included Dave Dengler, Bob Hettler, Bonnie Hobson, Fred Machemer, Duke McGuire, Rocky Nagel, Rick Walsh, Lois Ward, Debbie Weihrich and Gerry Wright. This Committee met for the first time on July 22, 1987 and set up the qualifications necessary to be nominated for the Hall of Fame. The first induction ceremony took place in 1990. 

Current Hall of Fame Committee Members 

  • Robert Adams - Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics 
  • Nancy Riccio - Retired ACSD Director of Athletics
  • Emily Warren - Alumni Representative 
  • Michael McGuire - Alumni Representative 
  • David Dengler- Retired Board of Education Trustee  
  • Ken Butka - Retired Teacher Representative


Athletic Hall of Fame Qualifications

  • The person must be out of school or gone from the district for 10 years.
  • The person must be an athlete or a coach who made significant athletic contributions to their team or school while they were at Amherst or after High School.

The Athletic Hall of Fame nomination form will remain open with an April 1st submission deadline for each current year inductees. Any form submissions that are submitted after the deadline will be reviewed for subsequent year nominations. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. All nominations are completed through the online nomination form.

Amherst Central High School Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form
