Team and Spectator Expectations
Expectations for Spectators: As a member of the Amherst Community, it is our belief that interscholastic activities are an integral part of the secondary curricular program and an extension of the classroom. Our school’s program shall supplement the curricular program of the school and shall provide the most worthwhile experiences possible. These expectations shall result in learning situations that contribute to the development of the attributes necessary for good citizenship.
Fundamentals of Middle and High School Athletics: When hosting an event, the opponent should be treated as guests and treated cordially. Officials should be recognized as impartial arbitrators who are trained to do their job with the best of their ability. Familiarity with the current rules of the game and the recognition of the necessity for a fair contest are essential. Sportsmanship requires one to understand his or her own bias and the ability to prevent the desire to win from overcoming rational behavior.
Expectations of Parents: Your enthusiasm as a spectator includes a vital responsibility for good sportsmanship. Your habits and reactions determine the quality of sportsmanship, which reflects upon our school and our community.
- Know and demonstrate the fundamentals of good sportsmanship.
- Avoid profane language and obnoxious behavior at all times.
- Respect, cooperate and respond to cheerleaders.
- Respect school property and authority.
- Refrain from throwing objects on the playing area or in the bleachers.
- Show respect for opponents and opposing coaches and fans.
- Refrain from using cheers that taunt or ridicule opposing players, coaches, cheerleaders or spectators.
- Show respect for players who are injured.
- Refrain from heckling, jeering or distracting opponents.
- Respect the judgment and strategy of the coach (even if you disagree).
- Refrain from being critical of players, coaches or officials for a loss.
- Respect the judgment of game officials (even if you disagree).
- Refrain from booing or showing displeasure with game officials or game activities.