Coach's Corner - V
Season Information
Practice Schedule will be handed out to the team roster.
SQUAD RULES: (Plus Code of Conduct and no tolerance whatsoever!)
A - Attendance - Must attend all meetings, practices, games, team functions, etc. and be on time & stay for the duration of everything. With the exception of a written notice 24 hrs. in advance from a parent. (Including to & from away games)
M - Model - Be a good model! You are representing yourself, the team, the school, & the community.
H - Heart - You can't measure one! Put all of your heart into everything you do. Like what you do, don't do what you like!
E - Expectation - I expect each player to give 110% & play to his best potential & ability. Mistakes will be made, but there is no excuse for not trying or not out working your opponent.
R - Respect - All players must respect other players, equipment, facilities, coaches, referees, fields, & fans at all times.
S - Student - You are a student/athlete... Student is first!
T - Team - Although there are 24 players on this team, all 24 will not play every game. It may be different each game, it's up to each player to show he deserves to play!
S- SELF FULFILLMENT means working to our potential while understanding what it takes to accomplish a goal.
O- OPPORTUNITY is ours to demonstrate and increase our strengths and improve weaknesses in a positive environment.
C- CREATIVITY is the essence of our game; some bring it, others develop it but everybody is in an environment to express it. We're proud to have it.
C- CHARACTER grows in hours of practice, develops through relationships with teammates and is demonstrated in matches played.
E- Effort is rewarded by the understanding and knowledge of what we have accomplished as only those who have achieved can be aware. Hard work pays great dividends.
R- REALISTS say it is only a game and it's true; but what a great way to prepare yourself for life.
There is no use in trying to shine, if you haven't taken the time to fill your lamp!
Coaching Staff
Head Coach: Bobby DiNunzio
Voicemail: 716-253-6871
Assistant Coach:
The boys varsity soccer team is a member of Section VI, Class A, ECIC Division II.
- Right to participate in sports
- Right to participate at a level commensurate with each child's maturity and ability
- Right to have qualified adult leadership
- Right to play as a child and not as an adult
- Right of children to share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport participation
- Right to participate in safe and healthy environments
- Right to proper preparation for participation in sports
- Right to an equal opportunity to strive for success
- Right to be treated with dignity
- Right to have fun in sports